Matsumoto et al. Ethanol induces skin hyperpigmentation in mice with aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 deficiency. Chemico-Biological Interactions 2019, 302 61-66
A novel phenotype of ALDH2 polymorphism: drinking-induced skin pigmentation
Akiko Matsumoto1, Shosuke Ito2, Toshiya Hara3, Kazumasa Wakamatsu2, Tamio Suzuki4, Yuko Abe4, Chisato Shimanoe1, Takefumi Yuzuriha3, Chikako Yoshimori2, Takeo Muto2, Kouichi Endo2, Megumi Hara1, Masayoshi Ichiba1, Vasilis Vasiliou5, Byoung-Joon Song6, Mayumi Fujita7
1Department of Social Medicine, Saga University School of Medicine.
2Department of Chemistry, Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences.
3National Hospital Organization, Hizen Psychiatric Center.
4Department of Dermatology, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine.
5Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Yale School of Public Health,
6Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health.
7Department of Dermatology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
We report a novel phenotype of a defective allele of the aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) gene in a mouse model and in human subjects. Aldh2-knockout mice were fed with a standard hard diet plus a bottle of ethanol solution (3–20%; forced and sustained administration). The mice showed dose-dependent skin pigmentation in areas of hairless skin, which faded by the discontinuation of ethanol administration. No such phenotype was observed in wild-type mice. Histopathological examination indicated melanosis in the epidermis. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative analysis using HPLC method of tail epidermis suggested that the deposit is ethanol-induced eumelanin. We then conducted human studies. The skin color of 226 Japanese males, including 96 alcoholics, aged 47 ± 14 (mean ± SD) years, was examined in winter seasons of 2015–2018, using a spectrophotometer with a software for the calculation of epidermis melanin levels. The pigmentation levels were corrected with that of palm skin as individual skin tone. Multiple regression analysis, adjusted for smoking status for the last 3 years (ever, never), sun exposure scores (0–27), alcohol consumption (kg in the last 6 months), and observation year and month, was performed to examine the association between drinking habit (0, ≤20, >20 g/day in the last 6 months) and skin pigmentation level. Carriers of the ALDH2*2 allele (n = 63) showed alcohol-induced pigmentation in the skin of their forehead (p < 0.001) and hand dorsum (p = 0.049), while non-carriers (n = 163) did not show such an association. Thus, a novel phenotype of ALDH2*2, ethanol-induced melanosis of the facial skin, was identified in carriers.
the 2018 meeting of the Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG)
A novel phenotype of ALDH2 polymorphism: alcohol-induced skin pigmentation
(1)佐賀大学 医学部 社会医学講座 (2) 肥前精神医療センター
2015年と2016年度の冬季(12月~2月)、アルコール依存症者87名を含む20~72歳(平均47歳)の男性190名を対象に、ALDH2遺伝子型判定を行い、分光測色計で額部と手掌部の皮膚メラニン指数(MI)を計測した。さらに年齢・直近6か月の平均飲酒量(0, ≤20, >20 g/day)・直近3年の喫煙の有無・日光曝露(0-27点)の調査を行った。
ALDH2*2保有者は55名(飲酒者48名)、ALDH2*1*1保有者は135名(飲酒者122名)であった。全項目(調査年・喫煙の有無・日光曝露スコア・手掌部MI)を補正した重回帰分析の結果、ALDH2*2保有者において飲酒量と額部MIに関連が見られ(b = 0.07、p trend = 0.006)、ALDH2*1*1保有者では関連が見られなかった(b = -0.02、p = 0.224)。また、アウトカムを額部MI/手掌部MI比として検討を行ったところ、同様にALDH2*2保有者で有意な関連が見いだされ(b = 0.22、p trend < 0.001)、ALDH2*1*1保有者では関連が見られなかった。
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